



Farm Lab


Library of Connection

Spring 2022

Communities are born from a moment of connection. This instance is what inspired the form and function of the overall design. The project focuses on an area from the busy corner of the main street back to the updated alleyway behind. The public and private paths form an arcing axis to connect two opposite moments. From each area, prominent arcs rotate around the centers to create convergence on the main street corner and divergence in the alleyway. This language is expressed not only through the walls but the furniture and planters of the space. The primary purpose of this design is to express a sense of repose when visiting a library.

Primary Section

Cuts through the courtyard that acts as both a cloistered reading nook as well as a large rainwater collection space.

In this area the curving columns hold pipes and a water filter that collect rainwater from the roof and bring it down to underground cisterns below the site. From there, the collected water is stored for future use.

Secondary Section

Cut perpendicular to the point of path.

Maritime Museum

Fall 2022

Designing innovative and eco-friendly commercial spaces that inspire productivity and creativity.

Level 2

The top level of the museum is dedicated to a cafe, outdoor patio spaces, along with private storage and a meeting room. In the Academy the top floor also holds an outdoor patio with a beautiful view of the river and several classrooms.

Level 3

In the museum, the level incorporates various research labs, offices and access points to the aquarium tanks. In the academy level 2 has multiple classrooms along with the upper level of the auditorium and the balcony of the event space.

Main Level

The museum's main level is where the story starts. Visitors begin on their journey descending down below the surface of history. The academy invites the students and other visitors to use the library, listen to lectures, and eat in a fine dining hall.

Below Grade

In the museum, visitors are now under the current, viewing the natural wildlife that influenced the art of shipbuilding; weaving through the forest of water before beginning their accent to the surface above.

Set in the navy yards park, banking the river’s edge, the project presented was to design a maritime museum, aquarium and academy. In response to the large and demanding program, I set out to separate the academy and the museum. To do this I took inspiration from the curving nature of whales and the tide and set out to create a campus that fully encapsulated the maritime nature of the building. The primary feature of the program was the gallery spaces of the museum, incorporated with the viewing tanks. To experience the gallery, the user is taken through a journey of time and nature, slowly descending to the basement level of the museum. Th ere they encounter a forest of aquatic spaces that transport them through the water until they emerge to see the show stopping ships. Th e design was made to be completely ADA compliant so that anyone can have the

same experience through this journey...

Row-Home Renovation

Spring 2023

For this two-week project we were asked to renovate the rowhomes in the Brookland region of DC. For this project My goal was to create an easily accessible space that would allow everyone to have the same access to the entrance regardless of physical ability.

Level 1

Level 2

Front Elevation

Rear Elevation



Evara is a multifamily housing complex meant to welcome individuals and families alike who are in need of support and guidance during a rough time in their lives. This project is designed to work with families, mothers, fathers and students in need. Different backgrounds, circumstances and requirements congregate into one space to form something new, a fellowship. Similar to the makings of a nest, the design is based on the interwoven pieces that form the structure for the inhabitants. In Evara, the pieces are the units, knitted together to provide privacy as well as facilitate community spaces. Starting from the ground up the varying stages of community thrive; the further you rise the more independent you may become. Just like the wind used in the solar chimney , the occupants experience a sense of sanctuary, freedom and flight, as they ascend; beginning their journey with confidence and ease as they push forth on their individual paths

Spring 2023

Discover our exceptional urban planning projects

Level 2

The top level holds more single bedroom and studio units along with green roofs where residents can maintain their own gardening plots.

The ground floor includes a supermarket, thrift store, doctor's office, dry cleaners, chapel and storage space for the residents. As an added edition an outdoor theater/ cafe is included on the corner by the school, so that parents may wait for their kids as they drop them off and leave.

Ground Level
Top Level
Sustainability Section
Mainstreet Section

This level is the start of the residential units. The level includes two outdoor parks, a playground, an outdoor kitchen, childcare center and a library.

One Bedroom/ Studio unit

Achieve natural ventilation through the solar chimney and operatable windows.

Double and Triple Units

Achieve natural ventilation through an open floor plan and operatable windows on opposite sides of the home.


Summer 2023

"Just like moons and like suns,
With the certainty of tides,
Just like hopes springing high,
Still I’ll rise."

Site Plan


Sustainable Section

Maya Angelou

The vision behind the Rise was to create a sustainable agriculture hub in Allensworth, CA. It would serve as a destination for innovative farming solutions and community-centered programmatic spaces. This would enable occupants to rise toward new heights of sustainable agricultural practices. At the heart of The Rise is the Allensworth California Teaching & Innovation Farm Lab, a self-sufficient facility promoting environmentally friendly farming methods while emphasizing education and community development. The site will house several micro-projects aimed towards building sustainable futures, including vermiculture and vermicompost, crop production, and a training program that promotes resilient and equitable farming methods; including a new agricultural practice using Bunds to better collect rainwater for proper crop nourishment.


Figure a

A Study in Rome

Fall 2023